Search Results for: no bake cheesecake

Birthday Boyz

It's a dark day at our house. Manchester United kissed the Premiership goodbye last night when Manchester City popped out two goals in two measly minutes of extra time. Life is cruel. Especially when [Read More]

Roasts and Runs

Richard says Sunday is Church Day which means there's a football ban. All day. But he's only joking. A day doesn't go by when Richard isn't glued to Sky Sports. We're all up and about early and I [Read More]

Madeira Cake

This traditional British cake makes me super nostalgic. Who can resist that light vanilla sponge with just a hint of lemon? Not me, that's for sure. In fact, Madeira cake reminds me of my Auntie [Read More]

A Friday Feast

I'm making a big effort to stick to my 8 hour sleep schedule and therefore, as I went later to bed, I must be later to rise. For this reason, I give the gym a miss this morning. When I hear the rain [Read More]

Chilli and Chillier!

Kathy trains me tough this morning. I'm not sure what I'll do first,  pass out, vomit, or both! Today we try a Tabata style workout where we have a 4 station circuit, do each move for a minute and [Read More]

The Rain and Balmain

I have a lovely long lie in and then head off for a run in the sun. What a glorious start to a Summer Sunday! By the time I get home, everyone is up and about and we get ready for a day out in the [Read More]

Liz’s Sticky Date Pudding

Serves  6-8 Oh sticky date pudding! How I love thee! And don't get me started on the butterscotch sauce! It was this pud that started me on my sticky date obsession! Have you seen my Sticky Date [Read More]