Roasts and Runs
Richard says Sunday is Church Day which means there's a football ban. All day. But he's only joking. A day doesn't go by when Richard isn't glued to Sky Sports. We're all up and about early and I [Read More]
Richard says Sunday is Church Day which means there's a football ban. All day. But he's only joking. A day doesn't go by when Richard isn't glued to Sky Sports. We're all up and about early and I [Read More]
This traditional British cake makes me super nostalgic. Who can resist that light vanilla sponge with just a hint of lemon? Not me, that's for sure. In fact, Madeira cake reminds me of my Auntie [Read More]
I'm making a big effort to stick to my 8 hour sleep schedule and therefore, as I went later to bed, I must be later to rise. For this reason, I give the gym a miss this morning. When I hear the rain [Read More]
Kathy trains me tough this morning. I'm not sure what I'll do first, pass out, vomit, or both! Today we try a Tabata style workout where we have a 4 station circuit, do each move for a minute and [Read More]
In my pursuit of another eight hours quality sleep, and after retiring later than I should, I decide to pass on the early morning exercise and work on the premise that I'll still have the energy to go [Read More]
I have a lovely long lie in and then head off for a run in the sun. What a glorious start to a Summer Sunday! By the time I get home, everyone is up and about and we get ready for a day out in the [Read More]
I'm up and fully wide awake at 4am. My brain is busy and open for business and has no intentions of shutting down. Trying to sleep is like fighting a losing battle so I admit defeat, get up, surf the [Read More]
Serves 6-8 Oh sticky date pudding! How I love thee! And don't get me started on the butterscotch sauce! It was this pud that started me on my sticky date obsession! Have you seen my Sticky Date [Read More]
It's such a beautiful morning. I spend so long faffing around in the kitchen that I almost miss my pump class and then, by the time I arrive, the studio is stoved off, there isn't room to swing a cat, [Read More]
It's Christmas morning and I wake up to sunshine and a whole heap of presents. Bizarrely, David and I have bought each other almost identical presents - pyjamas, gym kit and a whole heap of yummy [Read More]