Search Results for: shes so inspiring

Bye July

  Now I know it's August already and I'm a little late saying  bye to July but better late than never, eh? Oh July how I love thee! By the time the first of the month had rolled around, [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #22

Hello friends! Bon weekend! I hope your week was wonderful. Thanks to the Queen's birthday and David's medical matters, I only had to go to work for one day this week, winning! Of course, I was hard [Read More]

For the yay of May!

So I write a wrap up at the end of every month, if for no other reason than I can remember what went down, for I have a brain with more holes than a crochet blanket. Looking back on the month that has [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #17

Howdee partners! It's the weekend! Huzzah! How was your week? I hope it was a cracker! I've been getting my head round the nearly-new job for three days and being a domestic goddess for the other [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #14

Huzzah for the weekend. I can't believe that this time last week, I was hot footing it all over Canberra and channelling my Inner Minnie.  Isn't it funny the difference a week makes? Running makes [Read More]

101 things in 1001 days

  I'm always banging on how everyone needs a purpose. Viktor Frankl wrote about it, the cast of Avenue Q sang about it, my counsellor counselled me about it  and  now I live by it. Anyway,  a [Read More]