Search Results for: pumpkin cake

10 on 10 – December 2017

See that there? It may not look very pretty but it's my (second batch) of Christmas mince and it tastes beautiful. It's like festive nectar and I regularly stir it and gaze adoringly upon it while [Read More]

Beetroot, Cranberry and Zucchini Loaf

This delicious bake is full of the colours of Christmas! There is no denying it, I've been in overdrive using my loaf since I got back from overseas and when I say using my loaf, I mean using my [Read More]

Zucchini, Lime and Pepita Loaf

A few weeks ago I was sick, like really sick, but not sick enough that I couldn't bake. I was sick enough to go to the doctor though but of course, I couldn't go empty handed. I get quite anxious if I [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #110

Huzzah it's the weekend. I'm so pleased to see it... And you, of course! Sydney has been so soggy this week, it's been like 7 days of rain check. On the flip side (because there is always a flip [Read More]

Taking Stock – February

Oh my goodness, February flew by fast. It's been an action packed month, but before we march into March, let's take stock,  just like Pip did. Here's what went down... Baking: All things peachy. [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #90

Hello and welcome to the weekend! I hope it's a happy one. I know it's still one week until Halloween but I don't like to leave things to the last minute, so let's consider this the Rabbit Hole [Read More]

The Five Year Itch

Five years. However you calculate it, 60 months, 261 weeks or 1827 days, that's how much time has passed since I got my second cancer diagnosis. On the 10th of October 2011 I should have been [Read More]