Up and Up

“One of the marks of a gift is to have the courage to fulfil it.”  - Katherine Anne Porter Thursday gets off to a cracking kick start – I’m back in business with my all-awesome personal  trainer, [Read More]

The Book Thief

Today my heart is stolen. By a book. Which is ironically called “The Book Thief.” It’s by a young Australian author called Marcus Zusak. It is another top tip from my psychologist. Her knowledge knows [Read More]

More Kitchen Chaos

It’s just like the good old days. At 5.55 (AM!) I queue round the block to get into the gym. The things I do for Tuesday pump! I love this class, it’s one of my favourites and it’s so good to be back. [Read More]

Happy Birthday Blog!

It’s another beautiful day in paradise today. The sun is shining, it’s the blog’s birthday and I’m getting my mojo back. I’m not quite an energiser bunny but there’s definitely more in the tank than [Read More]

Fish Fest

My body clock finally gets the Sunday vibe and I manage to sleep in until 9am. I had planned to go to Basic Training but I wake up feeling like the Tin Man out of the Wizard of Oz and am really [Read More]

Elastic Dreams

My body clock clearly isn’t in the weekend vibe as I’m still up with the birds. On the plus side at least I have plenty of time to spare before I head back to the gym for my first Body Pump class. 7 [Read More]

The End-Oh-Crinologist

It’s official. I’m no longer radioactive. My new “safe” status is a great way to start the day! I take the Matzah Pudding to work and share it with my workmates. I think everyone must have lost a [Read More]

Fit Hit

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m full of beans, but I definitely have more than I did yesterday! Work is going brilliantly. I can’t wait to go back full time! I stay for lunch today which is a [Read More]

Chicken Soup for the Soul

I weigh myself this morning and I’ve put on 4 kilos – so far! Aaaargh! It’s a struggle to get into my work pants! I thought the Thyroxin was going to make my metabolism work faster than the speed of [Read More]

The 3 P’s (Patience, Payout and Prawns)

Happy day!  Our travel insurance claim has been settled in full. This is a massive relief and the best we could have hoped for. Cancelling our holiday was a bitter pill to swallow, but knowing that [Read More]