No Bake Toblerone Cheesecake

Serves 6 - 8 This is cheesecake is the ultimate decadent dessert and perfect if you want to wish the after dinner boat out. If you don't have a Thermomix, a food processor will work just as well. I [Read More]

Thermomix ANZAC Slice with Golden Icing

cuts into 24 pieces ANZAC day is a special day to remember all those who have served and are serving their country. "Lest we forget." It's also a great excuse to get busy baking! ANZAC teatime [Read More]

Thermomix Whole Orange Polenta Cake

I love making cakes with polenta because it gives cakes such a wonderful texture and mixed to perfection in my trusty Thermomix, this cake is light as a feather. Citrus flavours go great with polenta [Read More]

Thermomix Naughty Chocolate Fudge Cake

Serves 8 This cake is super light, super easy, super quick and super fluffy with or without a Thermomix!  Here's the conversion but the regular recipe is right here. The golden syrup gives the cake [Read More]

Meatless Monday – Karma Burgers

I first saw this recipe in The Karma Chow  a super awesome vegan cookbook when we first dabbled with plant based recipes. It's been a while inbetween burgers and since then I have I tweaked the recipe [Read More]

Thermomix Beef Risotto

Serves 4 So I've given this recipe a makeover a number of times now and no matter how hard I try, I can't capture the HYF (High Yum Factor) of this dish photographically. I promise you though, [Read More]