Search Results for: low iodine

Radioactive Girl

It's official! I have the most expensive butt cheeks in town.  I'm also radioactive, but only a little bit. When we were looking for our new place, being close to the hospital was top of my wish [Read More]

Happy Birthday, Queenie!

I just love long weekends! Even seriously soggy ones such as this! This 3 day weekend-fest always tickles me so! I love it that here in Australia, we get a day off to celebrate the Queen's birthday, [Read More]

The Results are In!

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Every minute that passes seems like an eternity. It's almost 4pm and the doctor still hasn't phoned. Forget about Cancer, it's the suspense that's killing me! On the plus side, [Read More]

Stress Less!

We have been without heating for 16 days now. With our flanelette pyjamas, thick bed socks and hooded dressing gowns, we look like a pair of arctic monkeys. I'm a bit over being multi layered, I just [Read More]


Today is a Sat-to-do-Day! First off, I have to brave the scales at Weight Watchers. It's been a while and I haven't yet got rid of that holiday heaviness, so I approach the weigh-in with some [Read More]

More and Moor!

Another day, another cake! Despite yesterday's bake being burnt to a crisp, my colleagues eagerly eat it without complaint. They want to know the name of my very humble offering. I find this question [Read More]

Nike She Runs

I have a nifty nine hours sleep and wake up feeling all warm and fuzzy and really rested. This is a great way to start the week... feeling recharged and ready for anything! Work is fun and the good [Read More]

The Last Day of Summer

I don't know how it works - but I have more time to get ready this morning  and still leave later than usual! Anyway, things tick over nicely at work and it turns out to be a really rather productive [Read More]

Banana Drama

It's the day I've been dreading... weigh in at Weight Watchers! I'm up and about early for this auspicious event, but, when I arrive at the venue, it's all locked up. The leader is in a bit of a flap [Read More]