Search Results for: pet friendly

Taking Stock – July 2019

July is hands down my favourite month of the year - what with the Birthday Festival, Christmas in July and my ideal climatic conditions - and the 2019 edition did not disappoint. I've been a happy [Read More]

35 Things to See and Do in San Francisco

Man, I love San Francisco so much. I've left my heart there not once but multiple times. There is literally so much to see and do in San Francisco that no matter how many times I go back, I never get [Read More]

A Long Weekend in Canberra

Find out how to spend a wonderful weekend in Canberra and what to see, eat and do! Just between you, me and the rest of the interwebs, I think Canberra is one of Australia's best kept secrets. It's [Read More]

Taking Stock – March 2019

I had big plans to go slow in March but it seemed to fly by faster than ever... Literally! I travelled by train, plane and automobiles, crossed states and continents, enjoyed opposite seasons, and [Read More]

72 Hours in Hobart

It’s not our first rodeo or our first visit to Hobart, in fact, it’s our fourth visit in the last 4 years! Previously I've shared my itinerary for a fun packed 48 hours,  some of my favourite places [Read More]

72 hours in Melbourne

It's not my first rodeo or my first visit to Melbourne, in fact, it's my fourth visit in the last 18 months! Last year, we had a fun 48 hours celebrating our double digit wedding anniversary, then I [Read More]

72 Hours in Lincoln

I love Lincoln and not just because it's my mum's adopted home town. Steeped in history and famous for it's medieval cathedral, Lincoln also has a castle (complete with Victorian prison and a copy of [Read More]