Search Results for: pet friendly

Taking Stock – November 2020

First things first, how cute do Teddy and his girl, Pebbles look in their Mexican get up? Honestly, I couldn't love this photo anymore! Well, it's been a November to remember for all the right [Read More]

Taking Stock – August 2020

Can you believe it's the last day of August already? Or is it just me that's in total denial? My August was a mixed bag with good fun, good friends, good times and good fluffers with a generous [Read More]

48 on 48

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash Last year I started a new birthday tradition with my 47 on 47 post - a taking stock of the trip I'd just taken around the sun - and [Read More]

Puppy Basics – The Checklist

If you're bringing home a new puppy, there are some puppy basics that you'll need to buy before you bring your puppy to it's  fur-ever home and this checklist has it all, including a free [Read More]

Mini Easter Bunny Malteser Cheesecakes

These individual mini Malteser cheesecakes are an eggcellent choice for dessert this Easter! I know it seems weird posting an Easter recipe right now but I figure every bunny could do with something [Read More]

Taking Stock – February 2020

February was definitely a month of two halves as I travelled from the northern to southern hemisphere, from hot weather to cold and from one half of my family to the other! Jet lag aside, it certainly [Read More]

The 13th Anniversary Edition

13 might be unlucky for some but hopefully not for us because today we're celebrating our 13th anniversary... Apart. I'm in the UK, David is down under and as this is the first (and hopefully the [Read More]

Taking Stock January 2020

It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming the new year/decade and here we are (almost) at the end of the month already. Eeep! January was a very mixed bag and I'm not sorry to say goodbye to [Read More]