Search Results for: fudge

The Birthday Festival

As David and I both have birthdays within a week of each other, we always enjoy a birthday festival that lasts from one week to the next. Birthday festival, that's a thing, peeps! This year, [Read More]

2014 – the halfway point

Back in January I wrote a list of how my year was shaping up. Way back  then, I said it was like someone pressed the fast forward button and didn’t take their finger off! This year has been  fast, but [Read More]

Rhinos and Milestones

I'm a bit of a stickler for Cancerversaries. I'm not being morbid, quite the opposite, I think that every milestone reached is something to be celebrated and something to be grateful for. Plus, [Read More]

Fabulous February

February has been pretty fab. It got off to a racing start with the Sydney Morning Herald Sun Run... ... and it's been non stop ever since! The fun just never stops. February is  my favourite [Read More]

Make this Christmas Count

Happy Holidays y'all! Christmas is coming! The countdown to Christmas has been crazy; a plethora of parties, fun with friends, shopping frenzies and kitchen chaos. It's been a case of too much fun [Read More]

The Fun Never Stops!

There's been a whole lot of celebrating going on round here. It started on Good News Friday and it hasn't stopped! On Saturday, we prematurely celebrated our niece Talor's 7th birthday. There were [Read More]

Good News Friday

These days doctors appointments are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along at once. This week I had double trouble with the follow up for the  hand surgeon and  my six monthly visit [Read More]

Secret Santa for Soldiers

I really love Christmas. A lot. This year I seem to love it more than ever before, which let me tell you, is a whole lot of lovin'! Not only did I put the tree up in November and go overdrive with [Read More]

The Countdown to Christmas

The countdown to Christmas has been pretty hectic. I can't believe it's  been ten days since my last blog post. The Christmas Countdown has been crazy this year! Well, I survived the last nine [Read More]