Taking Stock – August 2021

Well, we made it through August and all of it was in lockdown! The case numbers seem to be going from bad to worse but we've been knuckling down, following the rules and although every day hasn't been [Read More]

Taking Stock – July 2021

I think the look on Teddy and Paolo's faces pretty much sum up my feelings about July. It definitely didn't go as  planned. The good news was I got out of quarantine, the bad news was I went [Read More]

13 Ways to Keep Busy in Hotel Quarantine

If you find yourself in hotel quarantine, you'll be locked up in your room for 14 days, likely without an opening window or balcony. The trick to surviving your incarceration is to keep busy and to [Read More]

50 Things About Me

I'm about to embrace a whole new decade when I turn 50 on Friday - the number on my outside sure doesn't correlate with the number on my inside, I feel like I'm forever five and a half. I once read [Read More]

Taking Stock – June 2021

Well, I'm back in Australia, and finally back on the blog. I'm not going to lie, it's been an epic month where I have experienced all the feels and had to do all the things. That said, as sad and [Read More]

Recent Reads June 2021

Book posts round here are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along at once. Or almost at once, if you call two months apart at once. Truth be told, these reads aren't so recent, [Read More]