21 lessons I’ve learned from flying

I'm not a fan of flying but I love travelling too much to give it up as a bad job. I've clocked up air miles plus since we've been living down under and I've been making my annual pilgrimage to the [Read More]

10 on 10 Project – July 2015

Hello! You've probably dropped by to see who's so inspiring because it is Friday, after all. However, don't go away just yet, because not only is today Friday but it's also the 10th which means it's [Read More]

10 Kilometres in Canberra

3 and a half years ago I was in hosptital recovering from a total thyroidectomy and looking like an extra in a Sweeney Todd movie. Four and a half months ago, David was in hospital recovering [Read More]

There’s something about Mary

So last week, Queen Mary came to town. It was hard not to miss her as she sat in the harbour and it seemed every man (and woman) and his/her dog wanted to check her out. So  naturally I wanted to [Read More]

Road tripping in our own backyard

I suffer badly from PHB (Post Holiday Blues), do you? I've tried a number of ways to overcome this sorrowful affliction but none are as effective as booking another trip as soon as humanly [Read More]

10 Things to do in Chicago

I would go back to Chicago in a heartbeat. I gave you 7 good reasons to love Chicago and because caring is sharing, I'm going to give you 10 Things to Do should you be lucky enough to find yourself in [Read More]