Travel Tales – Singapore in 24 hours

So after an epic voyage of planes, trains and automobiles and a 24 hour journey we arrived in Singapore. This isn't our first visit, but it's a flying visit and it's a good chance to catch our [Read More]

Top 5 Disneyland Delicacies

For me half the fun of travelling is seeing and doing, and the other half of the fun is eating. I like to eat ALL the things. Disneyland was no exception, because after all, I had a half marathon to [Read More]

A weekend in Katoomba – Mountain Magic

Sometimes, it's nice to press the pause button on the everyday grind and take some time out to stop and just be. I find this almost impossible to do at home, the kitchen beckons, the ironing basket [Read More]

Gondala Wonder-lah!

The day gets off to a sense-a-tional start with a cracking continental breakfast. The croissant aroma wafts up the stairs, under the door and into our room and makes my mouth water! I coerce David [Read More]