Masterchef Live
Despite there having been 4 series of Australian Masterchef, and although I have avidly followed them all, this is the first time I've got to experience Masterchef Live. I can't wait to have some fun [Read More]
Despite there having been 4 series of Australian Masterchef, and although I have avidly followed them all, this is the first time I've got to experience Masterchef Live. I can't wait to have some fun [Read More]
5. Eat colours The more colourful your plate is with natural colour, the healthier it is likely to be. It's so easy to do this, add some tomatoes (canned or fresh) to your recipes, or why not bung [Read More]
Serves 6 Chilli jam is the hero of this fast and fabulous stir fry and look only 4 ingredients! This stir fry is super quick, super colourful and super tasty. Chilli jam can be found at speciality [Read More]
Life is full of regrets. But the good thing about exercise, is that you never regret it! I really want to run after work but I'm just not feeling it. I know if I don't drag my lazy self outside, I'll [Read More]
It's an action packed Thursday. I have a lunchtime rendezvous with Smoha, who was one of the first students I taught when I came to Sydney, and he's just finished a Masters Degree at university. How's [Read More]
Serves 4 This stir fry is quick, easy, healthy and a whole wok full of yum! We love the fresh flavours in this dish, from the lime, the lemongrass and all those fresh herbs. This dish is delicious [Read More]
Monday springs into action with Kathy's Basic Training Class. Heaven knows this is a well needed workout after all the weekends excesses. I can feel all the beer wobbling along with me as I sweat my [Read More]
It's been two weeks since I last trained with Kathy, and she is set to train me two times as hard and I hurt two times as much! It's fun but full on and I walk home with a pair of jelly legs! Still, [Read More]
This quick and easy chicken teriyaki stir fry is healthy and delicious! Once the chicken has marinaded, it takes just minutes to make so it's fast and flavoursome! I'm delighted to add it to my [Read More]
When I was at uni, I spent a whole summer working in Long Island, New York... In McDonalds. I made some great friends, drank my body weight in Budweiser and ate McDonalds for breakfast, [Read More]