Search Results for: slow cooker

10 on 10 – March 2018

Well, it's been another busy month in the kitchen and there's no sign of slacking off in the recipe revamp department. Now I hope you're sitting down for this because you won't believe it, but all of [Read More]

2017 – The Bloggy Year That Was

Technically, I'm still on my bloggy break but on this, the last day of the year, I couldn't help taking a sneak peek on the bloggy year that was. I wanted to look back at this past year, so that I can [Read More]

Happy 6th Blogaversary and a Giveaway!

Can you believe this time six years ago, I was in isolation, oozing radioactivity and emptying my thoughts on to my computer to start this here blog! That makes me feel so old. It seems like [Read More]

Taking Stock – July

July is by far my favourite month of  the year and this July has been no exception. It was fast but fabulous but before we get stuck into the awesome of August, let’s take stock  like Pip did. Shall [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #120

Hello there bunny holers! It's the first weekend of June and the first weekend of summer or winter, depending on your hemisphere! It's a new month, a new weekend and looky here, there's a new bunny in [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #91

Hurrah for the weekend! How was your week? Mine was action packed; I saw Bridget Jones (and her baby,) ate my bodyweight in dumplings, injured my ear with a cotton bud and now I'm about to hop on down [Read More]

Taking Stock – August

If the old adage that time flies by when you're having fun is true, then August must have been fun packed to the max because it has flown by so fast. That means it's time to down tools and take stock, [Read More]

Taking Stock July

July has gone by in the blink of an eye. It's lucky I love alliteration because July has been jolly. It's that time to take stock just  like Pip did. Reading: The Storyteller. It's classic Jodi [Read More]

The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #77

Welcome to edition 77 of the Ultimate Rabbit Hole! If there was a bingo caller in the house, I'm sure they'd say something like "all the 7's 77, Rabbit Hole Heaven!" There's no time to waste, let's [Read More]

Taking Stock – June

June has been rather jolly, full of fun, food and frolics. I can't believe that July's almost arrived, but before it does, quick,  let's take stock like Pip did. Reading: The Mystery of Mercy Close [Read More]