Search Results for: rocky road

Taking Stock – November 2023

I honestly don't know how it got to be December already but here we are. We are well into winter here in the UK and although it's been cold, there has been plenty to warm the cockles of our hearts. If [Read More]

Taking Stock – December 2022

Here we are on the last day of 2022 and what a ride this year has been! It has certainly been a December to remember for all the right reasons, not least because it has been our first northern [Read More]

Taking Stock – April 2022

April has flown by in the blink of an eye. It was a super short month but it wasn't all sweet.... But it wasn't all sour either! I know we're already a day into May but here's my [Read More]

2021 – A Year in Review Part 2

I hit publish on the first part of my recap of 2021 a few weeks ago and as I started, so I'll finish with the second instalment, just in the nick of time! So before 2022 rolls around, here's 2021 a [Read More]

10 Incredible Edible Christmas Gifts

Make these delicious treats as edible Christmas gifts or give in to temptation and treat yourself! I love everything about Christmas except the shopping. As a wannabe minimalist, I generally [Read More]

Taking Stock October 2021

Pinch, punch it's the first of the month and before I start making it a November to remember, I'm going to take a moment to reflect on the October that was. To be honest, October was a bit of a [Read More]

2020 A Year in Review – Part 2

2020 has been quite a ride so it seems only fitting in the last post of the year that I'm taking a look back on the year that was. If you're a regular round here, you'll have already caught up on [Read More]

10 No Bake Christmas Treats

These delicious recipes will both please a crowd and treat a crowd and you won't even have to turn the oven on!  Don't get me wrong, I love baking as much as the next person but when it feels [Read More]

Taking Stock – November 2020

First things first, how cute do Teddy and his girl, Pebbles look in their Mexican get up? Honestly, I couldn't love this photo anymore! Well, it's been a November to remember for all the right [Read More]

30+ Flourless Sweet Treats

This flour free recipe collection includes slices, cakes, cheesecakes and bliss balls, so there is something for everyone.  I don't know about you but I'm finding that a bag of flour is about [Read More]