Search Results for: netflix

Taking Stock – February 2021

Pinch, punch, first of the month and all that! Before I march into March I think it only fitting that I reflect on the love fest that was February. Although it's the shortest month, for me it felt [Read More]

Taking Stock – January 2021

Pinch, punch, first of the month! And burgers and beer, first blog post of the year!  I think that's the longest bloggy break I've ever had. Hope your 2021 is off to a cracking start. January [Read More]

2020 A Year in Review – Part 2

2020 has been quite a ride so it seems only fitting in the last post of the year that I'm taking a look back on the year that was. If you're a regular round here, you'll have already caught up on [Read More]

Taking Stock – November 2020

First things first, how cute do Teddy and his girl, Pebbles look in their Mexican get up? Honestly, I couldn't love this photo anymore! Well, it's been a November to remember for all the right [Read More]

Taking Stock – October 2020

The new month took me a bit by surprise, I was so busy gadding about with Halloween that I didn't remember it was already November. However, here I am with just enough time to take a breather and take [Read More]

Taking Stock – September 2020

Hello friends! How are you travelling? I think I'm still in shock that we're in the last quarter of the year already.  I know you shouldn't wish your life away and all that but honestly,  if [Read More]

Taking Stock – August 2020

Can you believe it's the last day of August already? Or is it just me that's in total denial? My August was a mixed bag with good fun, good friends, good times and good fluffers with a generous [Read More]

Taking Stock – July 2020

With Christmas and birthdays in July, this is a month that is always my favourite. July, the 2020 edition was very different with restrictions lifting - yay -  but with a nagging feeling that [Read More]

Taking Stock – June 2020

I'm in a state of denial/disbelief that we're over half way through the year. I must say 2020 so far has been the year that keeps on giving... And not in a good way. That said, with the easing of [Read More]